When to visit
Flanders is cycling 365 days a year. We have loads of sportives, races, cycling museums and routes to discover ... and we have the perfect weather for Flandriens.
Don’t forget to hydrate. The Flemish bars should provide ample opportunity for this.
Take your co-riders in tow and create a pace-line or a so-called ‘Belgian tourniquet’. These summer temperatures are ideal for cruising through the Flemish scenery with friends. Enjoy the smooth breeze and ride like the wind. Just watch out you don’t get blown away.
When to visit
Can you handle these weather conditions? Feel the cold air streaming through your lungs and the rain poring on your face. Release your inner Eddy Merckx and find out!!
First day in bibshorts. Don't forget to shave your guns. This is the ideal time to start those tan lines.
Welcome to Flanders. This is the kind of weather every real Flandrien grew up with use the clouds as a compass to figure out the direction of the wind, so you know when to break away from your co-riders.! And if they wonder why you’re wearing sunglasses, just tell them it’s to keep those damn flies out of your eyes!
Just watch out when you see flashes of light, these probably aren’t camera flashes, but lightnings. And remember, after a storm comes a calm... so it’s the perfect time to break away from your co-riders.
Some like icy winds, ten layers of thermal clothing and frozen toes and fingertips. Others prefer ice cold drinks and a warm hotel or living room. If you decide to go for a spin today, you might want to put on some extra layers. The exercise will keep you warm and the wind will give you a boost. Let’s just hope the wind blows in the right direction!
You might want to consider wearing a beanie under your helmet. It’s cold outside, but a perfect day for some cyclocross. With some luck, the sun will rapidly warm you up. Happy cycling!!
In Flanders we always say: if there’s a chance stalactites will start to grow on your bike while you’re going for a ride, don’t bother going outside. We know, you’re a real Flandrien and snow won’t stop you. But just for this one day, give your legs a rest and indulge yourself in some Flemish food and beer or plan a trip to one of the many cycling museums. It’s okay!